Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Case Report

Pasteurella Dagmatis and Multocida Cellulitis Acquired from a Cat Bite : A Case Report

Authors: de Lorenzi C and Berkcan S

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj-16000256


Pasteurellosis is reported after animal biting, particularly cats bites with Pasteurella multocida being the predominant isolate. Among others, Pasteurella dagmatis is rarely reported, causing cellulitis but is also associated with other more severe systemic infections, particularly in immunocompromised hosts. We described here the case of a cellulitis caused by Pasteurella dagmatis and multocida.

Keywords: Pasteurellosis, Cellulitis, Chemotherapy

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