Open Access Journal of Endocrinology (OAJE)

ISSN: 2578-4641

Case Report

Primary Adrenal Insufficiency Due to Extra pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Patient without HIV: A Case Report

Authors: Amilcar RR* and Pavel GGO

DOI: 10.23880/oaje-16000160


Adrenal or adrenal insufficiency deals with a special pathology that has multiple etiologies and is characterized by deficiency in the secretion of steroids at this level. Around 80% of these etiologies are of autoimmune origin, however, the rest are due to infectious causes, infiltrative, genetic, vascular, neoplastic and even pharmacological diseases. The diagnosis requires high suspicion and treatment dependent on the cause. It is a life-threatening pathology that has a very broad etiology, and it does not always present as a frank adrenal crisis; therefore, high diagnostic suspicion is important.

Keywords: Primary Adrenal Insufficiency, Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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