ISSN: 2639-2038
Authors: Sevilla AL*
This brief review tries to explore the most important effects of post-COVID, also known as Long COVID, a persistent presentation of the original disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. The virus has been shown to affect systems that are not necessarily associated with the primary disease, such as the central nervous system, which may be vulnerable in the short and long term and can damage the quality of life of our patients. The consequences of COVID-19 can be observed in both physical and mental health, and these must be attended by primary care physicians, or be referred to the appropriate specialist. The most frequent symptoms usually involve fatigue or neurological symptoms, and these could be the cause of recurring visits to the doctor higher health spending. It is crucial that we count with standardized guidelines for the treatment of these symptoms, as well as risk assessment tools for predicting which patients have the most risk factors for developing Long COVID.
Keywords: Long-COVID; COVID-19; Effects; Neuropathy; Respiratory