Clinical Pathology & Research Journal (CPRJ)
ISSN: 2642-6145
Research Article
Determining the True Incidence of Transfusion Reactions in
Transfusion Recepients by Active Hemovigilance by Transfusion
Medicine Personnel: An Indian Study
Shalini Trivedi*
Bajapayee A
Arun M
Dixit N
Singhal U
Khan MA
Department of Pathology, E.S.I.C. Hospital and Dental College, India Hemovigilance is the systematic surveillance of transfusion reactions (TRs). The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of active, bed side surveillance OR active HV done by transfusion medicine (TM) personnel over reporting directed by clinicians, calculate true incidence of TRs.
Methods: This study consisted of prospective cross sectional and retrospective analysis arms. The study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital, Northern India. In the retrospective analysis arm, the data was archived for the period spanning from 01-07-15 to 30-06-19, which provided historical pertinent data. The prospective analysis was done for the duration of six months from July 2019 to December 2019. In prospective analysis group was divided into two a.) TRs reported by clinicians (passively) and b.) TRs diagnosed by active HV in which the recipients were assessed and followed bed side for 24 hours vide a post transfusion questionnaire by TM residents. All the recipients of allogenic transfusions were included.
Results and Conclusions: The incidence of the TRs in prospective analysis was 0.54%., out of which only 0.24% were reported by clinicians and rest 0.30% were reported by active HV. While in retrospective arm, the incidence of TRs was 0.20% only. On comparison of prospective and retrospective data, TRs reported during prospective analysis were statistically significantly higher, (p <0.05). On comparison of various studies, it is concluded that Active HV for assessment of TRs can make significant differences in the reporting. Febrile Non- Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction was the most commonly reported TR.
Keywords: Hemovigilance; Bed Side Surveillance; Transfusion Reactions; Active Hemovigilance
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