Advances in Clinical Toxicology (ACT)

ISSN: 2577-4328

Mini Review

Harmful Algal Blooms Associated Marine Bacteria: Composition and Potential

Authors: Ismail M Al Bulushi

DOI: 10.23880/act-16000235


The frequency and recurrent of harmful algal blooms (HABs) has increased currently as an impact of the climate change. This phenomenon not only causes sea foods massive killing, but also changes the microbial composition seawater. Harmful algal blooms were found to introduce certain bacterial group and family of sea foods safety important to the sea environment such as Enterobacteriaceae and Vibrio sp. The potential of some introduced bacterial flora such as algicidal has been found. However, the pathogenicity of this flora to the seawater has not been explored. This mini review initially shows the natural composition of marine microflora and analyzes the composition of seawater microbial flora composition associated with HABs with a reference to the algicidal and pathogenicity potential of this flora.

Keywords: Harmful Algal Blooms; Pathogenicity; Algicidal Potential; Composition; Microflora

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