Open Access Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (OAJPR)
ISSN: 2574-7797
Research Article
Perceived Satisfaction of Public Health Facilities’ with the Quality of Logistics Service Provided by Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency Bahirdar Hub, Northwest Ethiopia: Descriptive Study
Aim: This study aimed to investigate the satisfaction of public health facilities in the quality of logistics services received from the Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency Bahirdar hub.
Methodology: A descriptive research design has been used for assessing satisfaction. The data collection was carried out from 28 April/20, 2019 to – 20 June/2019. All hospitals in the study area were selected purposively and simple random sampling with a lottery method was used to pick health centers from the sampling frame. A total of 64 participants were selected for data collection. Epidata software and SPSS version 20 were used for data entry and analysis, respectively. Frequency distribution, arithmetic means, and percentages were calculated.
Result: All questionaries were successfully filled and returned. It discovered that 41(64.1%) of respondents were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, while 19(29.7%) considered themselves as ‘satisfied’ with the overall quality of the logistics services they received. Besides, 3(4.7%) of the respondents said they were ‘dissatisfied’ with the service and 1(1.6%) was highly dissatisfied with the service. From all dimensions, the condition of pharmaceutical delivery and product availability received the highest (3.749) and the lowest mean score (2.885), respectively.
Conclusion: The overall perceived satisfaction of public health facilities with the quality of logistics service given by the Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency Bahirdar hub was in the middle of the continuum, with the mean score close to the 5-Likert scale midpoint.
Keywords: Public health facilities; Quality of logistic service; Pharmaceutical Fund and Supply Agency; Customer
satisfaction; Perceived satisfaction
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