Open Access Journal of Cardiology (OAJC)

ISSN: 2578-4633

Research Article

Particularities of Coronary Artery Disease in the Elderly in a Black African Country in the South of the Sahara (Senegal)

Authors: Joseph Mingou* , Ndiaye MB , Aw F , Sarr SA , Gaye ND , Dioum M , Ravaoavy H , Kouame MIM , Ndao SCT , Ngainde AA , Bodian M , Diack B , Diao M , Kane A and Ba SA

DOI: 10.23880/oajc-16000103


Due to the demographic progression of our societies and the increasing prevalence with age of coronary artery disease, we will increasingly face the treatment of acute coronary syndrome in elderly patients (> 70 years). Very little data has been published in Africa, particularly in the South of the Sahara. This series shows the severity of coronary lesions in subjects aged over 70 years admitted to the cardiology department of the Aristide Le Dantec hospital and the interest of the invasive strategy in this population.

Introduction: Coronary artery disease in the elderly is often more diffuse and severe. The objective of our study was to describe the results of coronary angiography and angioplasty in the elderly in Senegal.
Methodology: A monocentric, retrospective and descriptive study over a period of 39 months from 1 May 2013 to 31 July 2016 was carried out within the cardiology department of the teaching hospital: Aristide Le Dantec in Dakar. Were included all patients who had coronary angiography with a complete clinical record.
Results: A total of 380 records were collected during the study period. The prevalence of subjects over 70 years of age was 12.7% (n = 38). The mean age was 74.37 +/- 4.1 years. The sex ratio was 2.35 in favor of men. The main risk factors were hypertension (51%), sedentary lifestyle (46.8%) and diabetes (27.7%). The main indications were SCA ST + in 14 cases (29.8%) and the angina of effort in 11 cases (23.4%). Nearly half (51.1%) of the patients had angina pain at discharge. LV systolic dysfunction was noted in 21 patients (58.3%). Nine (19.1%) patients were able to benefit from thrombolysis. Coronary angiography was programmed in most of our patients (80.9%), the right femoral approach was preferred (70.2%). The average duration of the procedure was 66.24 min.At the angiogram, a mean Syntax score was high in 4 patients (8.5%) in subjects over 70 years, with diffuse coronary involvement both in the proximal but also distal segments; And with many more coronary occlusions within this population group. Coronary angioplasty with stent placement was proposed in 13 patients (27.7%), with almost as many active stents as bare stents and good result And TIMI 3 streams in 84.6%. Very few incidents and complications related to angioplasty were noted. Conclusion: Our work confirms the greater severity of coronary lesions in the elderly black African. Coronary angioplasty is achievable with a high success rate.

Keywords: Coronary Heart Disease; Elderly; Black Africa; Senegal; Coronary Angiography; Angioplasty; Dakar

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