ISSN: 2578-4846
Authors: Shemelina ON , Ovchinnikov VP , Pavelyeva YN and Shemelin SS
The article presents a description of the designs of wells intended for the production of high-viscosity oil. The main problems associated with the planning and deployments of architecture, construction of high-viscosity oil wells are described. World experience in well construction is presented. Vertical wells are usually used for primary cold production and cyclic steam or steam flooding processes. On the other hand, increased reservoir contact may require deviated, horizontal, or multilateral wells. In the case of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) and some solvent injection processes, the recovery process may require a well-placed pair of horizontal wells. Advanced drilling and real-time measurement technologies reviewed. Geo mechanical factors are studied when considering the implementation of any steam or thermal processes in the field. Examples of construction of multilateral wells in various combinations are shown depending on the field development strategy and for maximum reservoir drainage. The main recommendations for the placement of wells are proposed.
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