ISSN: 2641-9130
Authors: Thomas R*
‘Religion’ is conventionally understood as something set apart and a realm of the non-ordinary, whereas, ‘the secular’ pertains to this world and relates to the finite. In modernity, religion is parodied as an alien force totally forbidden, forgotten, and hated. Secularism became the epithet of modernity and democratic political states especially in the West. Both ‘religion’ and ‘secularism,’ are two dichotomous terms which often come into conflict in their philosophical and practical implications. However, there are several new researches and dialogical deliberations undertaken around the globe. It is because these sharply distinguishable categories find a point of convergence and become mutually non-isolating forces in academic discourses and in the philosophy of actuality. This article is one of those attempts to bridge the belligerent positions between religion and secular with the help of Gianni Vattimo and Charles Tylor. The signatory attempt is to ‘overcome’ the absolute truth claims of both religion and the secular, where one does not argue for its position in society but rather one finds its truth through the other. Their discussion of ‘an emergent religious and cultural sensibility’ implies a post-modern, post-secular and hermeneutical reflexive re-evaluation and re-affirmation of religion.
Keywords: Religion; Enlightenment; Secularism; Hermeneutics
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