Annals of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (APhOT)

ISSN: 2640-2734

Review Article

The Role of Exercise in the Management of Forwarding Head Posture A.K.A. Upper Crossed Syndrome. A Critically Appraised Topic

Authors: Shaw T

DOI: 10.23880/aphot-16000227


Introduction: Forward head posture is a common condition that presents in both chiropractic an physical therapy offices. Many times patients are given a multimodal approach to the correction of forward head posture. This paper looks to investigate what the current literature says about the role of exercise in forward head posture. Methods: The search strategy was performed using Pubmed for case studies and RCT’s within the last 5 years using the terms “anterior head, craniocervical flexion and exercise”. This search criterion resulted in 20 papers within the last 5 years. Further analysis for appropriate titles brought this number to 3 relevant papers. Conclusion: There is high-quality evidence to support the idea that exercise can be used to effectively manage those suffering from forward head carriage aka. upper crossed syndrome.

Keywords: Upper Crossed Syndrome; Forward Head Posture; Therapeutic Exercise; Corrective Exercise

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