ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Yadav A* , Singh Rkr , Tarannum A and Sachdeva MP
The photocopies are often used as secondary evidence in a particular situation where the original copies of a document got damaged or lost in any way. Photocopied documents can never reproduce the exact copy of the original document. It cannot be denied that with every generation the overall quality of the photocopied document keeps on degrading. However, there is no equivalent substitute for conducting an analysis of line quality features as best as in the “original” document. The absence of features that must have been observed in the original document does not rule out the possibility of copying. This paper presents a review of how the author’s dealt with various line quality features in subsequent generations of the photocopied document and what are various types of difficulties faced while examining and analyzing the multi-generation photocopied document which can further help the Forensic Document examiner in the evaluation and analysis of multi-generation photocopied samples.
Keywords: Signature distortion; Photocopied document; Multi-Generation; Line quality
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