ISSN: 2640-2734
Authors: Bastık C , Kartal A , Bastık C and Kartal A
Objective: This research was carried out with the aim of examining the thesis studies prepared after undergraduate education in the field of Sports Science for individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Turkey between 2010-2020 in terms of different variables. 7 doctoral and 22 master's thesis studies were included in the research. Methods: The research method is qualitative and the document analysis technique is used. The studies were examined in terms of subject distribution, Year, Level, University, Department, title of faculty members, sample type, sample size and data collection tools variables. Results: As a result of the research, when examined according to the distribution of the subject, it was observed that the most were done in the field of social competencies and that the master's and doctoral thesis on sports activity and autism was not found before 2013, but the most dissertations were prepared in 2019. It was determined that children diagnosed with ASD in the sample type of graduate theses prepared, studies prepared with 100 or fewer participants in the sample size, and motor performance and physical fitness tests were more preferred than data collection tools. Conclusion: This study, which was prepared in the field of autism and sports activity, content analysis for postgraduate studies published in this area, for example, previously prepared for work in the field of autism, and it also sports activity of the findings from this study and the lack of sports activity in the field of autism and it is important to provide information for theses. In addition, the compilation of 10-year master's and doctoral thesis studies can provide important information to guide researchers who are familiar with concepts specific to scientific research methods for the first time.
Keywords: Sports; Autism; Graduate; Content Analysis
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