Annals of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (APhOT)

ISSN: 2640-2734

Review Article

The Relationship of Exercise and Nutrition during the Epidemic Period

Authors: Bastik C and Kartal A

DOI: 10.23880/aphot-16000233


As the measures taken regarding the epidemic increased, people started to have a more sedentary lifestyle. In particular, curfews and calls to stay at home have caused an inactive life during the pandemic process. On top of this inactivity, constant eating at home has led to an unhealthy diet. This situation triggers obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases caused by physical inactivity and unhealthy diet. Therefore, it is very important to prepare and implement appropriate physical activity programs. It has been seen once again how important the body's immune system is in this and similar epidemics. The importance of nutrition is undeniable as much as physical activity in increasing body immunity. Macro and micro nutrients taken into the body increase the endurance of the body. Extra attention should be paid to fluid intake during epidemic processes. With this review, which was prepared in line with the existing evidence on the anti-inflammatory and immune system supportive properties of physical activity and nutrition, and studies on the epidemic process, it has been tried to give appropriate recommendations on appropriate and adequate nutrition for those who will just start exercising and who will review their physical activity patterns in epidemic conditions

Keywords: Epidemic; Nutrition; Physical Activity

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