ISSN: 2640-2734
Authors: Hariharan S and Malarvizhi D
Background: Success outcome of an intervention not only depends upon the treatment but also on the rate upon which the advised and prescribed exercises are being followed by the patients. Adherence refers to the rate to which the prescribed exercises are followed. This may get affected due to various reasons which may invariably affect the success rates of the applied treatment. Objectives: This study aims to find the reasons for non-adherence to home Physiotherapy in Paediatrics Methodology: It is an observational study done with convenient sampling carried out in Physiotherapy outpatient department. Based on the selection criteria, 30 Children were selected and their parents were asked to fill the questionnaire. Results: The primary reason started for Non-adherence was there isn’t enough time to perform the exercise (n=13; 43.33%). The next commonest reason being said was that it interferes with their social life (n=9; 26.66%). Conclusion: This study concludes that there were various reasons for non-adherence to home physiotherapy in Pediatrics. Among which the most common reasons claimed by the parent’s was insufficient time to perform exercises and it interferes with their social life.
Keywords: Patient non-adherence; Paediatrics; Physiotherapy
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