International Journal of Forensic Sciences (IJFSC)

ISSN: 2573-1734

Review Article

Occupational Proficiency Testing & Certification: A Critical Discourse on Indian Forensics

Authors: Madona Mathew and Afrozulla Khan Z*

DOI: 10.23880/ijfsc-16000266


Regular proficiency testing of forensic examiners is required at accredited laboratories and is widely accepted as an important component of a functioning quality assurance program. Yet, unlike in other testing industries, the majority of forensic laboratory testing programs rely entirely on declared proficiency tests. Some laboratories, primarily federal forensic facilities, have adopted blind proficiency tests, which are also used in the medical and drug testing industries. The reliability and value of forensic science evidence are extremely linked to the rates at which examiners make errors. Jury members cannot usually assess the significance of a reported forensic science match without having some information about the rate at which falsepositive errors occur. This paper reviews the occupational proficiency organizations and calls for the implementation of proficiency tests that are designed and administered for the express purpose of providing fact-finders with reasonable first pass estimates of error rates across forensic disciplines and techniques. Due to the errors in the experiments and results, justice could be denied to many innocents, this eventually leads to the submission of wrong reports of the case as well. India is continuing to be a great part of this error process. A proficiency-testing plan that addresses each of these issues is identified.

Keywords: Forensic science; Proficiency tests; Error rates; Certification; Forensic examiner; Indian Forensics

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