ISSN: 2578-5095
Authors: Boltivets S , Cheliadyn Y , Honchar T , Uralova L and Honchar O
The problem of obsessive-compulsive disorder is currently very relevant. Despite the conducted research and development of new methods of psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy, the treatment of patients in this category remains a difficult task. The dissertation presents a theoretical study and practical solution of an important problem in the field of psychiatry, namely, the formation of criteria, the development of the algorithm of medical and rehabilitation measures, as well as the creation of a tool for differential diagnostics of obsessive- of compulsive symptoms, namely, obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizotypal disorders with obsessive-compulsive disorder on the basis of detection and analysis of their clinical typology. In total, 77 patients in the age of 18 to 48 participated in the study, who were in in-patient treatment at the Territorial Medical Association “Psychiatry” in Kyiv and outpatient treatment of the Psychiatry Department, Psychotherapy and Medical Psychology of the National University Healthcare of Ukraine names of Plato Shupyc with obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. With the help of MKH-0 criteria, we formed two groups: F42 and F21. An important component of optimization was the allocation of four types of obsessive-compulsive symptoms, which made it possible to develop a differentiated program of integrated treatment and to implement the procedure and algorithmic route of the patient with obsessive-compulsive symptoms. According to the results of the study, it is proved that the diagnosis requires the definition of four types of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and their nosological affiliation with the predominance of certain obsessive-compulsive symptoms: incompleteness, danger, ambivalence, accumulation. Consequently, a differentiated program of integrated treatment and an algorithmic route of a patient with obsessive-compulsive symptoms were developed and implemented. The analysis of the results of the treatment and rehabilitation work allowed to make a conclusion that the use of such a therapeutic complex contributed to the reduction of the obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms, reducing the duration of treatment and increasing remission periods, improving the quality of life and social functioning.
Keywords: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder; Schizotypal Disorder With Dominant Obsessive-Compulsive Symptomatology; Typological Diagnosis; Program Of Integrated Treatment
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