Diabetes & Obesity International Journal (DOIJ)

ISSN: 2574-7770

Research Article

Impact of Covid-19 Lock down on Stress & Life Satisfaction of Diabetic People in Central Kerala

Authors: Sangeetha Merrin Varghese* , John AM , Elsa Joy , Joy J , Ratish G , Joseph JK and Benjamin AI

DOI: 10.23880/doij-16000256


As COVID-19 is performing its cosmic dance, it has spread panic and disaster across the continents. In such a scenario, mental stress is likely to increase and life satisfaction indices may drop. This study was done to evaluate the impact of lockdown on diabetic population of Kerala, by measuring the proportion of diabetic patients who experienced stress and to find out the level of ‘Satisfaction with Life’ among them. Patients were telephonically interviewed during the nation-wide lockdown after taking their consent. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) were used to assess stress and life satisfaction amongst the participants. Statistical analysis was performed in SPSSV. 16. Descriptive statistics was used to express Stress and Satisfaction with Life among the diabetic patients. Chi- square test was used to test for Association between Perceived Stress and Life Satisfaction. There were a total of 140 diabetic patients, who were willing to participate amongst the diabetic patients of our hospital. Mean age of the study participants was 52.38 + 14.9 years. Nearly half (46.4%) of the study population were above 55 years of age. Half (50%) of the participants had moderate to high levels of stress, indicating the urgent need of implementing stress busters. Though the majority (80.8%) reported to be ‘Satisfied with Life’, Poor Satisfaction with Life (p- 0.001) and age (p-0.034) were factors that found to have a statistically significant association with stress. Also, nearly 20% of the participants were unable to cope with stress. Stress may have a deleterious effect on glycemic control of diabetic patients and interventions that prevent or help to cope with stress may have an important role in preventing the occurrences of serious complications of diabetes in future.

Keywords: Perceived stress; Psychology; Stress; Satisfaction with life; Diabetic patients

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