ISSN: 2476-2490
Authors: Islam MA*, Rahman MM, Mohammad T, Kazi MM, Chowdhury NH, Rahman ASML and Milki FU
Antrochoanal polyps (ACP) are more common benign polypoidal lesions arising from the maxillary sinus which grow into the maxillary sinus and extend into the choana. They occur more commonly in children and young adults; and are almost always unilateral. Polyps originating from the sphenoid sinus are rarely seen and are known as sphenochoanal polyp (SCP). Nasal obstruction and often headache are their main presenting symptoms. Computed tomography (CT), Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and naso-endoscopic examination evaluates the presence of sphenochoanal polyp. Endoscopic removal of the spheno-choanal polyp together with the pedicle and the portion inside the sphenoid sinus is the treatment of choice. Finally, histopathology confirms the diagnosis.
Keywords: Choanal Polyp; Computed Tomography; Naso-Endoscopy; Spheno-Choanal Polyp
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