Clinical Radiology and Imaging Journal (CRIJ)

ISSN: 2640-2343

Case Report

A Case Report of Simultaneous Bilateral Upper Limb CT Angiography

Authors: Zafar W* and Iqbal B

DOI: 10.23880/crij-16000193


Diabetes mellitus leads to accelerated development of athermanous plaques in the arteries, which can lead to ischemia especially of the distal parts of the limbs, namely the fingers and digits. Bilateral upper limb ischemia is however an infrequently reported complication of patients with diabetes mellitus as compared to the lower limbs. However, it can have devastating consequences for the patient including ischemic necrosis and subsequent amputation of the fingers. Angiography is often required to assess the extent of the disease and to decide further management. CT angiography is a less invasive and effective method of assessment of vascular compromise. We are reporting a case where we performed bilateral upper limb CT angiography simultaneously to minimize the radiation burden to the patient and the potential for renal damage. The contrast was injected using a vein of the lower limb and bilateral athermanous plaques in the arteries visualized in a single scan.

Keywords: Peripheral Arterial Disease; Upper Limb Angiography; CT Angiography; Digital Ischemia

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