ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Parmar N , Rajan S and Kumar M
In day-to-day life, people face many types of personal and social stress. In Ayurveda, stress can be correlated with chinta, and dhyan. The appropriate level of stress motivates to complete the task but chronic stress can cause serious mental and physical illness. Acute stress on the one hand is usually associated with diet suppression and weight loss. Hypothalamic - pituitary - adrenal axis and corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) may partially explain the anorexic effects of acute stress. CRH stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and releases catecholamine, and in the condition of hypophagia and weight loss, has an effect on the liver and white and brown adipose tissue. On the other hand, prolonged stress can lead to overeating (Especially delicious food), increase intestinal excitability, and Weight gain. In Ayurvedic texts, 13 types of Agni are explained and jathragni Agni is responsible for digestion. Many research shows that people with anxiety are prone to GERD, heartburn, or acid indigestion. In Metabolic disorders metabolic process may be impaired due to enzyme insufficiency, nutrition deficiency, dysfunction of organs like the liver, pancreas, endocrine gland, genetic factors, and sometimes due to stress. This review article is in order to correlate stress, Agni, and metabolic disorder.
Keywords: Stress; Metabolic Disorder; Agni
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