Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM)

ISSN: 2578-4986

Research Article

A Comprehensive Clinical and Analytical Approach of Hridaya Basti

Authors: Yadav H , Silswal M and Srivastava

DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000355


Hridaya Basti is a Sthanika Basti used over the Urah Pradesh in Hridaya Roga and various other disease of Urah Pradesh. It is similar as of Shirobasti, in which luke warm decoction/ medicated oil is poured over the Urah Pradesh to maintain the Rasa Samvahan (circulation). It is an external approach to many cardio-pulmonary diseases by maintaining the proper flow of blood. It is commonly used in pain condition. It also has beneficial effect on mind and gives strengthening effect to cardiac muscle.

Keywords: Urah Basti; Hridaya Basti

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