ISSN: 2575-9981
Authors: Yousif KI and Ahmed YM
Background: management of critically ill patient in emergency is a critical health status which requires standardized care policies, as well as it needs qualified and skilled health providers to obtain good outcome of management. Objectives: To evaluate nurses’ cognitive skill regarding management of critically ill patient in the emergency department. Methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional hospital-based study conducted at emergency department in Omdurman military hospital during the period between February 11 to March 4. 2022. Sixty nurses were participated in the study taken as total coverage. Results: Sixty five percent of participants were females and most of them had 1-5 years’ experience. Their average age was 32 years old. Ninety two percent of them holding bachelor degree. The overall participant’s knowledge for all the variables analyzed was 18 participants (30%) had poor knowledge, (18.3%) scored for Fair knowledge and 28 Nurses (46.6%) scored for good knowledge. Only 14 nurses (23.3%) attain very good results for the overall aspects of the knowledge variable. Also the participants were assessed for their attitude regarding management of critically ill patient in emergency department. Total mean of the attitude showed strongly disagree by (14.4), disagree (8.0), Neutral Agree (5.8), agree (16) and strongly agree (13.8). There was a significant correlation between participants’ level of knowledge and educational level, and between the knowledge and the training courses (P. value ≤ 0.01) respectively. Conclusion: According to the findings of the current study It was concluded that the study participants showed approximately forty six percent of them attained good knowledge, 23% attained very good knowledge and thirty percent of them gained poor Knowledge. The low attitude in the care areas needs qualified and full trained nurse. Low results of training courses provided to participant had its effect in the quality of care delivered to the patients.
Keywords: Nurse; Clinical Knowledge; Attitude; Ill patient; Emergency department
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