Ergonomics International Journal (EOIJ)
ISSN: 2577-2953
Research Article
Post-Trans Human Techno Science as Help or Threat: An Overview with Emphasis on a Current Nanotechnology Application
Aim: The paper focuses on the progressive growth of a particular direction of science which, in the name of an alleged human and social progress, is imposing itself in a disputable way, progressively stifling people’s freedom of choice. Never as in this time, technoscience has been trying to impose its highly questionable rules, to the detriment of human freedom and health. True science is currently often confused with a sort of scientism. The scientific medicine fights against unofficial medicines and is enjoying a credit comparable to a religion.
Methods: The paper analyzes the role of technoscience in the post-transhuman framework, with particular attention to nanotechnologies and to the unfortunate consequences emerging from its recent application in the field of gene sera in relation to Covid-19 pandemic.
Results: Technoscience and nanotechnological applications, closely related to it, can become dangerous tools for the future of humanity if their use is not properly controlled through truly scientific methods. An illuminating example of this is the use of experimental drugs, improperly called vaccines, from the past year throughout the world.
Conclusion: We cannot speak of true science and technoscience at the service of the individual if freedom and human dignity are not respected or overshadowed through social impositions without real scientific basis. Scientific discoveries and technological inventions are acceptable if they respect human dignity and aim at the common good and not at the advantage of an elite.
Keywords: Post-Transhumanism; Nanotechnology; Technoscience; Genic Drugs; Freedom; Human Being; Society; Education; Covid-19
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