ISSN: 2474-9222
Authors: Găvan Constantin* and Riza Mihaela
Several claw measurements, horn growth and wear were recorded monthly in a research farm to investigate the effect of solid concrete floor and gradual growth of these traits over 3 month after trimming. Two methods of hoof trimming were used: Standard Dutch (STD) and hollow (HOL). The experimental cows (19 primiparous and 19 multiparous) were selected (8 primiparous and 11 multiparous cows for STD and 9 primiparous and 10 multiparous cows for HOL). Information on claw traits was recorded on right lateral hind claw between November 2021 and April 2022. In addition, lesions development of interdigital dermatitis and heel erosion (IDHE) and digital dermatitis (DD) was studied in both rear feet. No differences were detected in claw traits among the trimming methods. A gradual growth of all claw traits investigated, was detected in each month (1, 2 and 3) after trimming. Lesions of IDHE developed gradually over time in both trimming methods. Development of different stages of DD was investigated 3 months after trimming methods. Classical ulcerative lesions (stage M2). Persisted in each month after trimming and did not cure effectively after caw trimming and frequent use of footbaths.
Keywords: Claw Traits; Claw Measurements; Claw Lesions
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