Pediatrics & Neonatal Biology Open Access (PNBOA)
ISSN: 2640-2726
Research Article
Effect of Maternal Sensitiveness and Demographic Variables on
Auditory and Speech Outcomes in Pediatric Cochlear Implant
Users-Prospective Study
Background: Congenitally deaf children receive cochlear implantation at a young age to gain almost ordinary language development. Improvements in children’s functioning after cochlear implantation are noted particularly in their spoken language and ability to communicate. However, the rehabilitation technique following pediatric cochlear implantation rests heavily on parental involvement in some important dimensions.
Methods: A prospective study was carried out to determine maternal sensitiveness using parental questionnaire administered on parents of 205 children who have undergone Cochlear implant surgery and aural rehabilitation. The parental questionnaire was administered through telephone monitoring interview and face to face interview.
Results: A significant difference between parental questionnaires in terms of auditory and speech outcome measure were observed. On analysis maternal education and age of implantation has a significant effect on parental sensitiveness score and auditory and speech outcome scores. No significant correlation was observed between implant ages, number of siblings with parental sensitiveness, CAP & SIR score.
Conclusion: This study shows that maternal sensitiveness or responsiveness towards cochlear implant recipient, higher maternal education, implantation within critical period and demographic variables like family structure had greater effect on auditory and speech development in cochlear implant recipient
Keywords: Cochlear Implantation; Maternal Literacy; Age Of Implantation; Parental questionnaire; Categories Of Auditory
Performance; Speech Intelligibility Rating
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