ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Jeevanathan A* , Mahalakshmi N and Thilaga D
Disaster victims were identified by routine DNA analysis involving standard autosomal, amelogenin, and Y-STR typing elsewhere. However, the remains of one of the victims that were received at the DNA Division of FSD, Chennai were in a highly decomposed and mutilated state, which proved difficult to analyze. A partial DNA profile could only be obtained for the remains using modern-day extraction protocols. The conventional organic extraction protocol is not preferred in routine analysis owing to the time constraint faced by DNA labs. Nevertheless, the organic extraction protocol enabled us to get an improved recovery of DNA, and that in turn paved the way for typeable DNA profiles. Hence, we advocate that the organic DNA extraction protocol, though laborious, can still be used for better results, from difficult samples and it outweighs the kit-based extraction procedure for analysis of degraded bone samples.
Keywords: Autosomal Profiles; Human Identification; Indian Nationals; Organic Extraction Y-STR
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