ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Taledi K and Chaubey S
A number of rare, endangered, and threatened species of medicinal plants, including Picrorhiza kurroa, may be found in the state of Uttarakhand, which is situated in the foothills of the Himalaya. Picrorhiza kurrooa's dried roots and stolons were used to make the picrosides I, II, III, V, and Kutkoside are responsible for its significant medicinal benefits. Due to the substantial demand on both domestic and foreign markets, this species is being exploited in the wild. In Western Himalaya (India), the conservation status of this species is either endangered or rare. The studies on this species genetic diversity and conservation have elevated its importance in recent years. The prime aim is to safeguard and sustain this species' evolutionary viability and to enhance the chances of its survival and persistence in a changing environment. This article gives a brief overview of the Garhwal Himalayan region's efforts to conserve this species through cultivation.
Keywords: Medicinal Plants; Picrorhiza kurrooa; Agro-techniques; Cultivation; Collection; Conservation
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