ISSN: 2574-7797
Authors: Odol OA*, Shiferaw MT, Kashi C, Jean D and Marie JM
Background: The human immunodeficiency virus response in South Sudan has worsened the country’s situation unlike recovering from the devastating civil conflicts. The people living with the human immunodeficiency virus who are on antiretroviral drugs will need access to quality drugs to improve their health and prolong their lives, having sustainable access to drugs depends on effective inventory management and reliable data quality. The study aims: The study aims to examine the quality of inventory management data in antiretroviral clinics in the context of South Sudan with a particular focus on Western Equatoria health facilities. Method: The study adopted a descriptive cross-sectional research design using a mixed-method research approach (qualitative and quantitative). A total of 20 antiretroviral therapy clinics in Western Equatoria State (WES) were considered the target population of the study comprising ARV dispensers, Data clerks, ART clinicians, and ART facility Directors. Findings: 75% of study respondents were male, and it was observed that most of the interviewees had good experiences of more than 10 years in providing services to people living with HIV. Data quality was measured using a five-point Likert scale analysis, the respondents reported that the data quality was compliant in terms of accuracy, consistency, relevancy, validity, and genuineness of consumption data at ART clinics in WES. Regarding factors affecting inventory management, the infrastructures took the leading among others like the capacity of Human resources at public facilities and tools for managing data among others. Conclusion: Based on the findings, respondents who participated in this study reported satisfaction with data quality in Western Equatoria ART clinics. Based on the views of the majority, the antiretroviral therapy clinics used to compile accurate, consistent, relevant, and valid, data of their inventory.
Keywords: HIV; AIDS; Antiretroviral Therapy; Public Health Priority; Public Health Information System
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