ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Arun R Nair , Jayakumar TK , Gokul KK , Gopukumar ST and Chandraja CV
Background: Oxygen is one of the most important elements that support the life. So, the demand and delivery of oxygen should be well balanced in order to maintain homeostasis in our body. The maintenance of this homeostasis and oxygen delivery revolves around respiratory and cardiovascular system of our body. Thus, any dysfunction or abnormal function to these systems can leads to an imbalance in homeostasis causing hypoxemia and their complication including multi-organ dysfunction. Objective: To obtain an effective homoeopathic management for hypoxemia in patients under palliative care by using ultrahigh dilutions of various homoeopathic medicines and by thus improving the Quality of Life of the patient. Methods: The methodology comprises of selection of patients from palliative care unit of Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, Kulasekharam, whose SpO2 level falls between 95%-80% by the help of a pulse-oximeter and after the selection of patient appropriate ultra-high dilutions of homoeopathic medicine will be administered. Results: From this study, it was observed that Homoeopathic treatment with oxygen therapy can improve Hypoxemia as well as Quality of Life (using 15D-HRQoL) in hypoxemic patients under palliative care treatment. Conclusion: With Homoeopathic intervention, we can alleviate the sufferings of Hypoxemic patients in palliative care treatment.
Keywords: Dysfunction; Hypoxemia; Intervention; Palliative; Saturation
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