Gastroenterology & Hepatology International Journal (GHIJ)

ISSN: 2574-8009

Case Report

A Case of Large Gastric Trichobezoar in the Corona Era: Case Report and Review of Literature

Authors: Shatarah O, Alkhawaldeh IM, Ahmad R, Al-Ebbini M and Abu-Jeyyab M*

DOI: 10.23880/ghij-16000199


Background: Trichobezoars are uncommon cases of concretions of swallowed hair retained within the digestive tract, most commonly the gastric outlet and duodenum. Despite being reported in many ages, they predominate in young females during childhood and adolescence diagnosed with bezoars and are usually associated with psychiatric illness. These usually develop insidiously and hence at presentation are large in size and the patient complains of acquired alopecia. In this report, we present a covid-19 positive case of a young female patient diagnosed with trichophagia with large 17.5 × 12.2 × 5 cm trichobezoar that had to be surgically removed.

Keywords: Bezoar; Trichobezoar; Trichophagia; Trichotillomania; Gastric Outlet Obstruction; Gastrostomy

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