Philosophy International Journal (PhIJ)

ISSN: 2641-9130


Political Power and Neocolonialism of Vaccines: The Exercise of the Word and the Human Act

Authors: Vargas Machado CA and Vargas Machado CA

DOI: 10.23880/phij-16000279


This paper analyzes the situation generated by the unequal distribution of vaccines that -at the international level- has occurred in the framework of the epidemic generated by COVID-19. For this, the concepts of «act» and «word» derived from the theoretical-political theses of Hannah Arendt (1993) are used, with which it was sought to evidence the situation of neocolonialism of vaccines derived from this situation, from the philosophical deconstruction to raise the urgent consequence of neocolonialism in health, which allowed us to infer how Human Rights are not the central axis of the national and state discourses or praxis of the government systems of countries with more stable and stronger economies, since the decisions and behaviors reflect the interests of the main actors of the National States that have economic support for the large-scale purchase of vaccines against COVID-19. Which in turn are the protagonists of a sociopolitical phenomenon that can be categorized as global health neocolonialism, which is presented as a phenomenon of neocolonialism that began with the confidentiality agreements signed between the States of the countries and the pharmaceutical corporations, inside or outside COVAX in the year 2020. Concluding that the massive purchase of vaccines was subject to an exclusivity character to acquire the batches,where some factors of discrimination or non-inclusion are revealed, affirming that COVAX did not comply with the purpose for what was initially created.

Keywords: Human Act; COVID-19; Neocolonialism; Speech; Power

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