Open Access Journal of Cardiology (OAJC)

ISSN: 2578-4633

Research Article

Dysautonomia: A Novel Approach to Understanding of Vasculitis and Type II Diabetes

Authors: Ramesh Adiraju*

DOI: 10.23880/oajc-16000105


Understanding of the atherosclerosis process has evolved from simple plaque build-up causing blockage to inflammation and endothelial dysfunction. The underlying etiology for endothelial dysfunction and vascular inflammation is autonomic imbalance. Autonomic imbalance also causes hormonal dysregulation and cellular receptor sensitivity. Therefore, dysautonomia is the underlying etiology behind type2 diabetes and vascular inflammation that predispose to atherosclerosis. Regulating dysautonomia is a more definitive and long-term solution to effectively treat type2 diabetes and vascular atherosclerosis.

Keywords: Dysautonomia; Vasculitis; Diabetes Type2; Inflammation; Atherosclerosis.

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