ISSN: 2642-6250
Authors: Shaher Almutairi*
Objectives: To assess if pre- admission scores are predicted to the final students GPA. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted in the College of Applied Health Sciences in Arrass in Qassim University between January and March 202. The overall graduated students were 279. Graduated students from Clinical Nutrition program were 229 and 50 from Dental Hygiene program. The pre-admission scores and the Final GPA were collected from student's record. Pearson correlation coefficient was carried out to illustrate the correlation between admission criteria and final GPA (p-value was considered statistically significant at p<0.01). Results: there is only positive correlation between (HSGA) and the final GPA (r=208, p=000, p<0.01) whereas there is no significant correlation between (APTT), (ACHT) score and Balanced score respectively (r=-.018, p=768 ; r=.080, p=.121 ; r=.093, p=.121). Conclusion: The findings illustrates that the (HSGA) is the only predictive score to the final students GPA in this study which conducted Applied Health College in Arrass, Qassim University. Comparing the results of this results of this study with previous studies, it could be concluded that (HSGA) is the most predictive score to the final GPA. Teaching and assessment methods in medical and health sciences colleges might be similar to those methods in the High school. Further studies are needed with larger sample.
Keywords: Saudi Arabia; Health Science College; Medical College; Aptitudes Tests; Achievement Tests; High School Grade; Pre-admission Tests
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