ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Vyas PP , Singhal HK and Dhakar S
Ayurvedic system of medicine has a treasury of description of several Ayurveda herbs that elevate the mental as well as intellectual power primarily claimed as 'Medhya'. Firstly, the Rasayana drugs which are mentioned in Charaka Samhita called 'Medhya Rasayana' are supposed to be having specific influence on brain functions. Cognitive deficit can be present from birth or result from environmental causes such as brain damage, mental illness, or neurological abnormalities. This causes significant restrictions to the ability to learn and operate, like in ADHD. Sufferer of this clinical entity children stay confused, unable to do daily routine work normally, face difficulty in learning and understanding, unable to focus on one thing at a time. In Ayurvedic literature, impairment of memory is mentioned as Smriti bhramsha which occurs due to vitiation of Raja and Tama dosha. It has been noted that cognitive functions are thoroughly affected due to stress, anxiety and other related psychological disorders. It has been explained that Medha (intellect) and Buddhi (wisdom) get deteriorated in this condition. Some features of ADHD are resembled with Unmada. Medhya drugs mentioned in Ayurveda have multi-dimensional actions including effect on memory. These not only enhance the intellectual capacity but also rejuvenate the whole body system and their pathways. This review article delineates the introduction of ADHD, its Ayurvedic association and the herbs that are effective in management of ADHD.
Keywords: ADHD; Ayurveda; Buddhi; Medha; Herbs; Unmada
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