Open Access Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (OAJMB)

ISSN: 2576-7771

Review Article

The Genues Trichoderma: Ecologicological Diversity, Taxonomic Classification and Its Agricultural, Human Health, Industrial and Environmental Applications

Authors: Abena T*

DOI: 10.23880/oajmb-16000251


The genus Trichoderma is a diverse group of free-living fungi in the family Hypocreaceae (class Ascomycetes), that are living at different ecosystems in a wide range of climatic zones and that can be found all over the globe. The common ecological nich of the genus Trichoderma includes Natural soils, Decaying wood, Agricultural Habitats, Endophytes and mushroom related substrates. Trichoderma classified base on their morphological and cultural characteristics, conidiophore structure as well as the size of conidia. Now adays, molecularmethods including DNA fingerprinting and sequence analysis of multiple genes (ITS1- 5.8 rDNA-ITS2 and genes encoding translation-elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) as well as some specific molecular databases have been used for taxonomic classification of this fungi. Trichodermahave been used agriculture biological control of plant diseases and as plant growth promoter, in industry as sources of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes used in different industries, in human health producer of secondary metabolites that have clinical importance and in enviromt they are as a potential biodegrader of toxic compounds and soil bioremediation.Therefore, this review article presented the ecological diversiy, taxonomic classification and application of genus Trichoderma.

Keywords: Agricultural; Diversity; Envirometal; Industrial; Taxonomic; Trichoderma

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