Epidemiology International Journal (EIJ)

ISSN: 2639-2038

Research Article

Incrusion of Bubonic Plague in the Rural Commune Andina

Authors: Razafindrakalia M

DOI: 10.23880/eij-16000255


Introduction: Plague is a current scourge, despite the therapeutic evolution. In Africa, the DRC and Madagascar are the two countries that declare cases of plague: in 2018, 133 cases and 5 deaths in the DRC; 104 cases and 34 deaths in Madagascar. It is an infectious bacterial disease of wild rodents accidentally transmitted to humans by the infected fleas. It is a notifiable disease subject to international health regulations. Andina is one of the most active plagues in Madagascar. All people bitten by infected fleas can be sick without distribution according to social class. In view of these considerations, our objective aims to estimate the frequency of the plague, to describe its epidemiological, clinical and therapeutic aspects, and to evaluate the exposure of patients in the commune to the disease. 

Materials and Methods: On the one hand, we carried out a retrospective study in Andina by consulting the registered cases of the years 2013-2014. The diagnosis of plague was retained in 18 cases among the 31 cases recorded in the center. On the other hand, a survey on the housing of the patients was carried out. 
Results: The disease affected children under 15 (66.67% of cases). The female gender was predominant (61.11%). More than 51% of patients are febrile, including 69% with inguinal and axillary lymphadenopathy. More than 81% of clinical suspects were confirmed by the rapid diagnostic test and more than 44% of cases were treated with streptomycin, with 12% of cases dying during treatment. An additional survey was carried out to know the knowledge of the population which showed that 80% of people had heard of the plague and 60% recognized that deratting constitutes a means of preventive control of this disease. 
Conclusion: Plague management and surveillance have been improved following the possibility of rapid diagnosis in all CSB II, but the persistence of poverty plays a role in the maintenance of endemic outbreaks of this disease.

Keywords: Plague; Epidemic; Clinical Form; Diagnosis; Treatment

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