Open Access Journal of Urology & Nephrology (OAJUN)

ISSN: 2578-4676

Research Article

Predictive Factors of Efficacy of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in the Treatment of Kidney Stones of Size

Authors: Ibrahimi A , Bellouki O , El Bote H , El Sayegh H and Nouini Y

DOI: 10.23880/oajun-16000229


Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is one of the most commonly used therapeutic procedures for the treatment of urolithiasis thanks to its noninvasive approach and satisfactory success rates. However, this technique has certain limitations that have led to several debates concerning the redefinition of its indications. The main objective of our work is to determine the ESWL success’ predictive factors in order to select the right candidates to this procedure. For this, we did a prospective study carried out in the Urology A department of the Ibn Sina University Hospital in Rabat over a period of 12 months, involving 150 patients suffering from kidney stones of size lesser than 20 mm, without history of treatment with ESWL and for whom this technique was indicated, The statistical study was carried out using the software SPSS 13.00. The univariate analysis of our study defined four statistically significant factors associated with the failure of extracorporeal lithotripsy which were:
 • Multiple number of stones (p 0.015);
• BMI> 35 (p 0.009);
• Lower calyx location (p 0.028);
 • Density greater than 1000 HU (p 0.04).
A multivariate analysis by logistic regression model using all the significant factors of the univariate study also showed that the same factors would have significant impacts on the outcome of the ESWL at three months. Defining the predictors of success and failure helps to better define the candidates for this technique and to establish a nomogram adapted to each patient.

Keywords: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy; Urolithiasis; Success of Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy; Univariate Analysis; Multivariate Analysis

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