ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Sharma S , Arse R , Sharma KK and Kumar P
Children are the strength of a nation. Childhood period is the foundation of the life and it is here that seeds for healthy life are laid down; disabled children are of great concern to family as well as the society. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the leading cause of chronic disability in children, making them socially apart. According to WHO (World Health Organization) approximation, in India estimated incidence of Cerebral Palsy is around 3 / 1000 live births. CP is the manifestation of intrauterine pathologies, intrapartum complications, and the postnatal sequel, especially among preterm neonates. A double hit model theory is proposed suggesting that an intrauterine condition along with intrapartum or postnatal insult lead to the development of CP. Swedana (fomentation) is defined as the process by which the sweat or perspiration is produced in the body by using various methods. Inducing perspiration by using heated round Pinda (bolus) of special rice i.e. Shashtika Shali prepared in milk and processed with herbal decoction is referred as Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda. This belongs to the category of Agni sweda as well as Snigdha sweda. A pinda (bolus) made up of Shashtika Shali (a type of rice harvested in 60 days) prepared in milk processed with herbal decoction is tied in bolus to rub against the whole body or afflicted part of the body so as to provide heat, nutrition and strength to the pain afflicted joints, muscles or body parts. Shashtika Shali pinda Swedana is found to be effective against various symptom of CP.
Keywords: Cerebral Palsy; Swedana; Shashtika Shali Pinda Swedana; Agni Sweda; Snigdha Sweda
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