DOIs, or Digital Object Identifiers, are unique alphanumeric strings that permanently identify published materials, such as journal articles, eBooks, and datasets. They are essential for linking and citing these materials in a consistent and enduring manner.

In the context of Medwin Publishers, DOIs are assigned to accepted articles following a thorough review and editing process. Our editorial team meticulously assigns a DOI to each accepted work, ensuring its unique identification and permanent accessibility.Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) to guide you through the DOI process:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What is a DOI?

A DOI, or Digital Object Identifier, is a unique alphanumeric string assigned to a document, providing a permanent link to its online location. It ensures reliable and persistent access to scholarly works.

How is a DOI assigned to an Article?

Upon acceptance for publication, our dedicated editorial team undertakes the assignment of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to the manuscript. This unique identifier ensures the persistent link to the particular scholarly contribution. The corresponding author is promptly notified of the assigned DOI, marking a crucial step in the publication process.

When is the DOI activated for my article?

DOIs are activated at the time of issue release. This deliberate timing allows our team to address any necessary changes before enabling the DOI. It's important to note that once the DOI is activated, no further changes can be made to the article. This approach ensures the stability and reliability of the published content.

Why is it essential to activate DOIs at the time of issue release?

Activating DOIs at the time of issue release is a strategic measure. It allows for a thorough review and verification process before making the content permanently accessible. This ensures that any necessary adjustments are addressed before the DOI is enabled, maintaining the integrity and accuracy of the published work.

Can changes be made to the article after the DOI is enabled?

No, once the DOI is enabled, no further changes can be made to the article. This policy is in place to uphold the stability and reliability of the scholarly content associated with the assigned DOI. Authors are encouraged to review and finalize their work before this activation point.

What if changes are needed after the DOI is enabled?

It is crucial for authors to carefully review and make any necessary changes before the DOI is enabled. Once activated, changes cannot be accommodated. Authors are advised to engage proactively during the pre-DOI activation phase to ensure the accuracy and completeness of their published work.

How long is a DOI valid?

At Medwin Publishers, DOIs are valid for the lifetime of the published work, ensuring perpetual accessibility.

What is the role of authors in the DOI process?

Authors are responsible for including the assigned DOI in all forms of publication and for updating us on any changes in metadata, such as title, authorship, or affiliations.

Can DOIs be transferred to another platform?

DOIs assigned by Medwin Publishers are non-transferable. In the event of a change in ownership or hosting platform, we will work to ensure continuity.

Are there specific citation guidelines for DOIs from Medwin Publishers?

Yes, we recommend APA citation formats, including the DOI as a permanent link to the online version of the publication.

How does Medwin Publishers contribute to DOI standardization?

We adhere to the guidelines set forth by the International DOI Foundation (IDF) to ensure consistent and effective use of DOIs across the scholarly community.

Abiding by Guidelines:

Users are expected to abide by the DOI guidelines established by the International DOI Foundation (IDF). While we provide lifetime DOIs, content hosting is subject to our standard archiving and hosting policies. For further assistance or inquiries related to DOIs, please contact our editorial team at

Thank you for choosing Medwin Publishers for your scholarly contributions.

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