Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement

Guiding Principles for Ethical Publishing

At Medwin Publishers, we view sharing knowledge as more than just a task – it's about upholding quality and credibility. We're committed to ethical publishing practices across all our journals, ensuring that editors maintain the highest standards.

Our Unique Approach

We take a no-nonsense stance on ethics. Our team rigorously investigates any claims of misconduct, safeguarding against legal issues and ensuring the accuracy of medical information. Originality is our mantra, and we're dedicated to avoiding any publishing pitfalls.

Our Policies Made Simple

Authorship, Competing Interests, and Funding:

  • Shared Responsibility: Authors are partners in the publication journey. They share responsibility for the submitted and published work.
  • Transparency is Key: Authors must openly disclose any conflicts of interest that might influence the interpretation of their work. This ensures transparency and helps readers assess the study's objectivity.
  • Funding Acknowledgment: Authors need to declare any funding received for their work. This acknowledgment is not merely a formality; it's a crucial aspect of maintaining transparency and credibility.
  • Editorial Scrutiny: Articles are accepted for publication only after the editor has thoroughly reviewed and ensured adherence to ethical standards.

Editors' responsibilities

Editor-in-Chief: Takes full accountability for the standing of the journal and all of its contents, including managing the peer-review procedure.

Advisory Board: Involve Board members, provide valuable advice and take a seat on the Board of Directors.

Editors: To improve the quality of publications, MedWin Publishers welcomes the cooperation of professors, scientists, researchers and medical volunteers.

Assistant Editor: Supports editors in ensuring content quality, communicating the journal's vision, and ensuring adherence to policy, author guidelines, editor guidelines, and reviewer guidelines.

Confidentiality: Submitted All information regarding the material is provided solely by the editor and editorial staff, including authors, referees or reviewers, professional experts, expert and publisher (if applicable). Medwin Publishers takes many precautions to protect the confidentiality and originality of our authors' work.

Disclosure and conflicts of interest

Without the author's consent, editors and board members will not utilize unpublished material for their own use.

Reviewers' responsibilities

Contribution to editorial decisions

Peer review can assist authors in improving their work and assists editors in making judgments about publication.


Reviewers must inform the editor and deny reviews if they discover they lack the authority to examine the research in the article or if they think they lack the authority to review the research in the collected article and cannot be reviewed right away.

Keep Information Private

Sending articles for review ought to be handled as confidential correspondence. It cannot be discussed or shared with outside parties without the editor's consent.

Standards of objectivity

Honesty in writing is required. It would be inappropriate to attack the author directly. Analysts need to be explicit in expressing their opinions and back them up with data.

Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers ought to look for pertinent published works that the author hasn't cited. Any declaration of earlier findings, conclusions, or assertions must be included in a proper certification. Please alert the editor to any notable overlaps or similarities between the paper and other publications that the reviewer is aware of beforehand.

Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

Ideas that have undergone peer review or associated data should be kept private and not utilized for one's own benefit. Manuscripts on the manuscript should not be reviewed by reviewers who are in a partnership, competitive connection, or other type of relationship with an author, company, or organization.

Duties of Authors

Reporting Standards

When presenting primary research findings, authors ought to give a concise overview of the investigation and a dispassionate evaluation of its importance. The following details need to be included with the article submission. For others to conduct the same research, an article needs to include sufficient material and references. Lying is dishonest and unprofessional when done on purpose.

Data access and retention

Authors must submit the manuscript and any pertinent academic data for editorial consideration. If at all feasible, they ought to be ready to make information publicly available. As long as the parties' anonymity can be upheld, authors must make sure that this information is accessible to other professionals (via offices, archives, or other information sources) for 10 years following publication. Information disclosure is forbidden by the information policy.

Research Ethics, Misconduct, Plagiarism, and Dual Publication

  • Honest Presentation: It is expected of authors to clearly communicate the findings of their research, free from fabrication, falsification, or improper data manipulation. By doing this, the scientific record's integrity is guaranteed.
  • Originality is Paramount: The work that is submitted must be unique and unpublished. It is completely forbidden to duplicate an article with one that has previously been published.
  • Notice of Redundancy: If redundancy is found, the readership will be notified by publication of the duplicate and the actions taken to resolve it.
  • Experiments Involving Living Subjects: Research involving patients’ needs ethics committee approval. In order to show that they are committed to treating patients ethically, authors must get informed permission.
  • Transparency in Hazardous Situations: A brief statement indicating the institutional and/or licensing body that approved the experiments must be included if the study includes hazardous materials, techniques, or equipment. This guarantees that possible hazards are recognized and dealt with.

Authorship of a Manuscript

Authorship should only be awarded to those who have had a substantial impact on the conception, design, implementation, or interpretation of the published study. All of the people who have made a substantial contribution should be listed as coauthors. If other people have made substantial contributions to the research project, their names should be listed in the Acknowledgments section.

It is the corresponding author's responsibility to ensure that no unsuitable co-authors are mentioned and that all appropriate co-authors (as previously stated) are included in the author list of the publication. The corresponding author should also ensure that every co-author has evaluated, approved, and given their agreement for the manuscript to be submitted for publication.

Hazards and human or animal subjects

Any extraordinary risks connected to the usage of any drugs, methods, or tools utilized in the research must be made clear by the manuscript's authors.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

All authors should disclose any financial or other material conflict of interest that might be construed to influence the findings or how they are interpreted in the publication. It is necessary to disclose all project financing sources.

Responsibilities of Publisher

If a violation of law, false advertising or illegal activity is permitted or approved, the advertiser will work closely with the Director of Operations to take appropriate steps to resolve the problem and take appropriate corrective action for the offending article. This includes immediately releasing the work in question or, in the worst case scenario, removing it entirely.

The Publisher and the Journal do not consider age, colour, sect, religion, disability, marital status, veteran status, ethnicity, race, gender, genetic predisposition or disease or sexual orientation in their publications, services and activities.

Fundamental Errors in Published Works

Authors have a responsibility to report serious errors or inaccuracies in their publications to journal authors or publishers and to cooperate with them in retracting the article or providing appropriate information.

In a world of complexity, we simplify the path to ethical publishing. MedWin Publishers – where professionalism meets simplicity for exceptional knowledge sharing.

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