

MedWin publishes more than 80 journals bimonthly. Each journal contains authoritative research from renowned experts in their respective fields and undergoes an extensive double blind peer-review. MedWin covers 70 different topic areas covering cutting-edge research in the fields of Dental, Pediatrics, Diabetes, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Biotechnology, Virology (includes all topics of our journals) and give hyperlink towards so that it should be redirected to respective journal home page. All our titles are available in online formats. Kindly go through below link for all Journals

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We follow double blinded peer review process for submitted manuscript with experienced Editor/Reviewer. Based on the reviewer's comments, Managing Editor subsequently makes a final decision about the way a manuscript needs to be better-quality. This process will be completed in 8-14 business days only. Kindly go through below link for all Peer Review Process

Publication of article in different formats

As an open access, internationally peer-reviewed publishers we publish all the articles in various open access formats like PDF, PHP, E-pub and video etc.

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