Advances in Pharmacology & Clinical Trials (APCT)

Volume 4 Issue 3

Review Article
Medicinal Plants as Aphrodisiac Agents: A Current Status
Nimesh S*, Shubham, Ashwlayan VD and Barman P
Research Article
Adverse Effects of Bisoprolol in Rats
Alsadek HB*, Shams G, Kamel M and Mohamed W
Research Article
Adverse Effects of Ezapril in Rats
Alsadek HB*, Gamal SS, El-Latif SA and Adly M
Research Article
Validation of Ewefa as Herbal Recipes for Reproductive Health Problems (Rhps) among the Yoruba of South-Western Nigeria
Aderemi SA*, Sonibare MA, Gbadamosi IT, Olaleye SK, Odeku O, Adegoke AO and Adejumo AG
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