Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN :2574-7800

Articles in Press

Research Article
Research Article
Knowledge of Leishmaniasis and Attitudes of the Population of Birao, Central African Republic
Morissi-Denissio NMCI*, Falmata LG, Peggy MG, Dieu DK, Benedicte YM, Ornelle KI, Kongbele D, Zengouin E and Kobangue L
Review Article
Epidemiological, Clinical and Treatment Profile of Leishmaniasis in Birao, Central African Republic
Morissi-Denissio NMCI*, Falmata LG, Peggy MG, Dieu DK, Benedicte YM, Ornelle KI, Kongbele D, Zengouin E and Kobangue L
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