Neuroscience - Lagree Method - Manual Medicine Physical
Exercise, Microformer, Psycho-Body Massage, Emotional-Affective And Socio-Relational Recovery
Furnari D*, Khan N, Delaney M, Cerna M, Hamlaoui K, Lagree S, Peace A, Owens M, Scott SL, Gustin TL, Crowle T, Sanchez S, Eyring A, Talyanova E, Milczarek M, Aljayar A, Ariet JJ, Tiwari H, Manjula
Kumari VV, Perren H, Lee T, Cochard M, Wanna S, Hammadi S, Booth
D, Willeumier K, Michel MM, Hamilton D, Santos C, Peebles C, Halg C
and Nihat Ayceman