Open Access Journal of Urology & Nephrology (OAJUN)

Volume 6 Issue 2

Case Report
Daycare, Tubeless, Supine Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy under Spinal Anesthesia for Large Stone in a Patient with Multiple Comorbidities
Salah MA*, Alnawsara H, Tallai B, Gul T, Alrayashi M, Alfalahi S, Kamkoum H, Abdelkareem M, Ebrahim MA, Ahmed N, Al-Rubayi A, Ismail A, Kunju U, Othman F, Alnadhari I, Aboumarzouk O and Alansari A
Research Article
Comparative Study on the Use of Umbilical Vein Transplant Vs Buccal Mucosa Graft in Male Urethral Stricture
Naieb ZL*, Ebrahim Rafie MAM, AlShaibani AZ, Bayazeed B, Almarshad A, Maher B, Alharbi A, Almadani M, Al-Juboori ZT, Waqas M, Mukhopadhyay C and Chaudhry QS
Case Report
Penile Self-Mutilation: Cause and Management
Clehaude D, EL Moustapha A*, Mahmoud AA, Saleh NA, Amine M, Mohamed D, Adil D and Rachid A
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