Open Access Journal of Urology & Nephrology (OAJUN)

Volume 7 Issue 3

Image Article
A Case Report of Renal Arteriovenous Malformation
Hajri M, Abdelmoula K, Ferjaoui W* and Bayar R
Case Report
Laparoscopic Drainage of a Kidney Abscess in a Difficult Location: A Case Report
Nzambimana D*, Larrache Y, Ouzidane Y , Moataz A, Dakir M, Debbagh A and Aboutaieb R
Review Article
The Evolution of Penile Prosthesis in the Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction
Marcelino J, Pereira BJ*, Brito D, Lourenco M, Godinho R and Rabaca C
Research Article
Employer Health Plan Exclusions are a Barrier to Access of Penile Implants for Erectile Dysfunction
Service CA, Greear GM, Walia A, Edwards NC, Nitschelm KD, Bhattacharyya S4 and Hsieh TC*
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