Public Health Open Access (PHOA)

ISSN :2578-5001

IF :1.9884

Public Health is an online Open Access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal that deals with all aspects of the science, philosophy and practice of public health. The aim of the journal is to publish most complete and reliable source of information on the discoveries and current developments in the public health field in order to improve efficacy, effectiveness and efficiency of public health interventions to improve health outcomes of populations. The scope of this journal includes hygiene, epidemiology, health education, environmental health, occupational health, health policy, hospital management, health economics, law and ethics as well as from the area of new health care fields including social science, communication science. The journal considers articles on the epidemiology of health and disease, understanding and promotion of all aspects of public health. PHOA pleased to accept original research papers, reviews and short communications, mini reviews, editorials on all fields of Public health.

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