Shashi Bhushan1 and Ajay Kumar2*
'>Role of Endosulfan Dosing in Behavioural Changes and Testicular Toxicity in Swiss Albino Mice
ISSN: 2577-4379
Role of Endosulfan Dosing in Behavioural Changes and Testicular Toxicity in Swiss Albino Mice
Endosulfan has an organochlorine pesticide. It may impair the normal embryonic development and disrupt normal reproductive functions in adulthood. Experiments were conducted on swiss albino mice (Mus musculus) under controlled physical conditions of temperature, ventilation and cleaning. The experiment was conducted in polypropylene cages. Cages of two sizes, (a) small cage=26×19×13 cm and (b) large cage=40×25×15 cm were used. During treatment of endosulfan large cages were used, keeping two male and one female mice per cage. Endosulfan was supplied as ‘Endosel’ manufactured by Excel industries Limited, Mumbai, India at a concentration of 3.0 mg/Kg B.W. The oral administration (gavage method) of endosulfan to the mice for 30 days exhibited the behavioural and morphological changes, fall of body hair, rough and loose skin, restlessness and aggressiveness, bulging of eyes etc. 14 days after treatment (DAT), gradual loss of appetite and thirst, frequent rubbing of mouth with forelimbs was observed. After 30 DAT, mice became dull and sluggish. Increased incidence of stilted gait, hunched posture, irregular respiration and decreased spontaneous activity in males were observed. The inner anatomical observations suggested severe damage to histopathology of testis and appreciable modifications in reproductive organ anatomy.
Endosulfan; Behavioural change; Toxicity