International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Review Article

Advances in Management of Ovarian Cancer through Natural Resources: An Update


Since times immemorial, mankind has been dependent on Mother Nature in terms of natural resources for alleviating its sufferings. As per W.H.O., developing countries should fully explore their flora and fauna to become economically self-reliant. Country India enjoys having diverse climatic conditions of heavy rainfall, sandy deserts & snow-clad mountains, which play a perfect condition and host for the growth of plenty of medicinal plants with desirable phytoconstituents. Presently mankind is suffering from many diseases that were not so common in the olden days. Does it is a signal from our mother Nature to once again rediscover its treasure of natural resources for exploring answers for various prophylaxis and therapeutic needs of modern-day disorders and diseases? Cancer is the most fatal disease worldwide caused due to the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Ovarian Cancer is the fifth leading cause of death in females. The incidence and mortality rate of Ovarian Cancer is increasing day by day across the world. Biomarkers such as CA125, HE4, OVA1, and Cancer stem cells have been used for the detection of Ovarian Cancer. The current treatment of Ovarian Cancer is surgery and some common treatments include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, adoptive cell therapy, use of medicinal plants and their derivatives. Some prominent medicinal plants like Quercus tinctoria, Curcuma longa, Taxus brevifolia, Allium sativum, Asparagus racemosa, Camptotheca acuminate, Symplocus racemosa, Ginkgo biloba, Genistein, Zingiber officinale, Azadirachta indica, Embilica officinalis, Podophyllum peltatum, Camellia sinensis, Saraca indica. A large number of phytochemicals which has anticancer compounds are flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids, carotenoids, phenolics, and organosulfur compounds. Ayurvedic drugs highly effective on Ovarian Cancer are Arka, Bhallataka, Ahipena, Bhanga, Vishamushti, and Jayapala. The diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer in the initial stage is not possible mainly due to a lack of awareness on patients’ behalf. The main effective parameter is imaging for checking the extent and location of the disease. Some other parameters also included physical examination and transvaginal ultrasonography. Thus, the present review is an attempt to compile published reports through authentic sources regarding the current management scenario of Ovarian Cancer with the help of natural drugs or medicinal plants that inhibits or hinders the growth of cancer cell, which may serve as a ready reference for future researchers.

Keywords: Cancer; Ovarian; Medicinal Plants; Natural Resources

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