Petroleum & Petrochemical Engineering Journal (PPEJ)

ISSN: 2578-4846

Short Communication

Calculation and Comparison of Parameters during Fire in Large Capacity Crude Oil Storage Tanks

Authors: Kačík F , Danihelová A and Horváth J

DOI: 10.23880/ppej-16000140


The heat release rate during a fire is an initial parameter for calculating average flame height. Average flame height is essential for subsequent calculations of heat flow density and also for setting separation distances. The article calculates and compares the values of these two basic parameters in a fire in three real, existing large-capacity tanks for the storage of crude oil. The stated calculations are for the two most difficult scenarios of five possible fire scenarios for above ground double-walled storage tanks with floating roofs. The calculations showed that increasing the diameter of the tank increases the flame height, but not in proportion, and above a certain threshold diameter of the tank remains virtually constant.

Keywords: Storage tank; Oil fire; Fire parameters; Heat release rate; Average flame height

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